Jill DeMulder

Jill DeMulder
Jill DeMulder is a technical agronomist with the AGRI-TREND Knowledge Team. She works with the AGRI-TREND Senior Agri-Coaches to provide training and research material to assist the AGRI-TREND Agri-Coaches in the delivery of superior science-backed advice to farmers.

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The Value of Tracking Herbicide Usage on the Farm

As we move into summer, farmers are juggling many tasks, including scouting and applying pesticide to emerging crops. Half the battle is keeping track of all the information about what's being applied where, and at what cost; the other half is managing the logistics. Factor in equipment readiness, weather conditions and labour...and now things really get interesting.

It can be tempting to throw details out the window and focus on the job at hand. But before that happens, take a few minutes to find out why the time you put in to capture and track herbicide usage is guaranteed to pay off.

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